Search for groundwater by the TEMS method in the Republic of Korea


In the period from 2004 to 2006, MSU-Geophysics LLC performed long-term work on the implementation of Cycle-6 equipment to solve the problems of searching underground and thermal waters in the Republic of Korea.

Геофизические исследования методом ЗСБ (зондирование становлением поля в ближней зоне)

The work was carried out by equipment Cycle-6. Mathematical modeling was carried out using the EM-1D program. As a result of many years of work, thousands of TEMS curves were performed and the most effective method of working with TEM method was recommended in conditions of strong industrial interference.

For the most informative geophysical studies used a complex of methods VES, TEMS. The results of the VES method provided information on the conductivity of the upper weathered part of the geological section of the Republic of Korea.

Типичный геоэлектрический разрез на исследуемом участке

According to the TEMS method, with known parameters of the first conductive, the modeling of the underlying conductive bodies was performed. Conductive bodies were associated with fracture zones in the Sambeg granitoid massif (common in most parts of South Korea) promising for the detection of groundwater and thermal water. According to the results of geophysical studies, drilling, arrangement of water intake and transfer of the production well to the Customer were performed.

Заверка результатов геофизики бурением

The experience of using the TEMS method demonstrates the effectiveness of the technology for searching for waters of various genesis at depths from tens to hundreds of meters in the mountain conditions of South Korea.